Palworld Entertainment, Inc. is the company responsible for the licensing operations of Palworld.
We are responsible for various domestic and international licensing operations for the Pocketpair game Palworld, with the aim of accelerating the multifaceted development of Palworld and further expanding the IP.
A completely new multiplayer, open world survival/crafting game where you collect mysterious creatures called "Pals" in a vast world. You can have them fight, build, farm, or work in factories.
The early access version was released in January 2024, and reached total number of players exceeding 25 million in one month after release.

COMPANY (in the works)

  • Trade name
    Palworld Entertainment, Inc.
  • Main business activities
    Global licensing and merchandising activities associated with the game, “Palworld.”
  • Representative
    Takuro Mizobe, President and Representative Director